Monday 9 January 2012

January College Essay 1

Do you believe that your academic record accurately reflects your abilities? Explain.

NO!! My Economics, Maths, Biology, English, Global issues grades do NOT reflect my abilities. I think I am more than just a couple of grades on the report card. Sports, music and other things like how I mingle with people, what I do for the environment and other small things cannot be graded. Even though sports and music are taken as a part of academics in some schools, I believe it is something which cannot be graded. When one is forced to play or sing pieces that he or she doesn’t like they will naturally not put their entire effort into it and therefore not play so well. But if they played something they like, they will automatically have interest in it and play it well. And the same goes for sports. Different people might look at what I just said differently, like they might say that one should be comfortable with playing anything and everything, but according to me, I think everything cannot and should not be graded.

All schools don’t have things like programs such as CARE in Woodstock which basically seeks to improve the environment. Such schools never know what the child is like when it comes to changing the environment for the betterment. Some children, like me, are into such stuff, which will never be recognised by some schools. Teachers don’t know what a child’s hidden talents are. Even if they do, it does not go on the report card. For example, a while back we had a talent show in our school and some children came up with amazing talents but none of that would go on their report. So I would say no, my academic record does not reflect my abilities accurately. 


  1. Totally believe it, a person should not be measured by there academic abilities mainly, other qualities count!!

  2. I agree with you. Though academics is important, we have to look at ourselves as individuals of society and how we help the society to form into what it is today. I believe that being smart is not the only quality a person has. We all need to be well rounded to FULLY contribute to society. I also agree with what you said about doing things you love. Naturally, doing something you love is more interesting and results in better outcomes.

    I like your post. I just think that you need to proof read it a couple more times as there are small grammatical errors you can fix.

  3. I like the way you capitalized "No" and "Not." I totally agree with you in this. A person who is brilliant when it comes to academics might be socially awkward. Whereas, a person who is a little behind when it comes to academics might be awesome as a person.
