Friday 16 March 2012

Article: Of Marriage and Single life
Writer: Francis Bacon
Central Argument: Even though people who are single are more resourceful and efficient, people who are married are more trustworthy, dependable and understanding which makes them better people in life.

My single friends always have a sense of pride in them every time they say, “I am single!”  The world looks at single people as cooler, funnier, fun to be with, carefree and just better in general. And the committed person in the friend circle is always thought of being the sissy or the serious kinds who does not involve himself in the “bad” stuff the group does. And generally, his friends blame it on the “she devil” his life. It’s true that people who are single are more fun to be with and are more efficient when it comes to something that needs dedication, but they cannot always be trusted and relied on, whereas, men who are in a relationship, or are married and have children of their own, are trustable and also more warm hearted. They are better people in general.

Everyone knows a guy who changed completely once he got a girlfriend. I’ve seen it happen to my friend. We used to hang out together. Play pranks on random people walking on the streets. Laugh on the silliest of jokes. Play the guitar and sing. Or sometimes just play air guitar! We never got serious about anything until, ofcource, he got a girlfriend. And I could see the way she was changing him. He stopped spending time with me, stopped getting involved in our group plans and pranks and we hardly got to see him. It angered me in the beginning, but I realised that he had started to become a better person. Before whenever I brought up something serious that bothered me, he always used to laugh it off or something like that, but now he has actually started talking to me. Actually talking, not just fooling around. He understood me better even though we were not spending much time together. He would make me feel better permanently when something got me down rather than making me laugh for a while and then letting me figure a way out on my own. He told me what was right and what was wrong. He had become a better friend even though I missed the previous him a lot.

His girlfriend made him like that. She softened his heart and made him look beyond just having fun. She also made him think about his future. Something like this Bollywood movie I watched in 2010 – Wake up Sid! – In which there is a young, single guy who has no care in the world, lives on his father’s money and all he does is party. But then eventually his father kicks him out of his house and he starts living with this girl who he met in a party. Without even realising he started to become more independent. He started to see beyond his parties and friends. He started thinking about his future and ended becoming a photographer in a leading magazine.

This shows how women influence men’s life. Women teach a man how to love, how to feel for other, how to care, and how to look further. I am not trying to say that women are born like this but they are more emotional comparatively which rubs into men when they start living together. A person with his own children will be more giving and warm hearted. Yes, a single person might be fun and more efficient, but when someone needs to be trusted and depended on, a person who is with a woman is better. 

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